Chedoke Falls, located at the top of the Niagara Escarpment in Hamilton, Ontario, is a personal favorite location of mine. It was over 15 years ago that I went on my first hike here, and since has created a sense of nostalgia and my love for hiking into nature. Described as a Ribbon Waterfall, it is approximately 60 feet in height, making this a beautiful scene for photography all year round.

The Lower Chedoke Falls area is described as a curtain cascade fall, located a few hundred meters from the main Chedoke Upper Falls area. This lower waterfall is approximately 20 feet in height. Chedoke Falls is a serene natural beauty and is enjoyed by many locals and travelers over the years. Being a local, I particularly love this area not only for photography, but to enjoy what nature created here first.
This photoset from my recent hike, shows how breathtaking Chedoke Falls is. Despite being a Hamilton local, it is a reminder of how fortunate I am to be able to access an amazing piece of nature just outside of the city.