I truly love random finds like this house! When I first went by it, all that could be seen through the heavily overgrown property was one of the peaks of the roof. Walking up the driveway the house became more and more visible and I started to get excited! An old Victorian era house that had fallen into decay.
Exterior Photo Set:
The excitement was more than warranted. This history this house holds is amazing!
Built in 1870 this once gorgeous house was home to a prominent settler in the region. A man who not only farmed his land, but was also elected as a councilman for the township and then also elected as sherrif for the county.
Shortly after his death in the 1890s, his family that included 10 children. Sold the homestead and during the next century was home to 5 more families.
In 2006 the house and property was purchased by a numbered corporation and despite being identified as being identified as having high cultural heritage value. Has sat abandoned and decaying for nearly 20 years.
Historic Photos:
Despite the large amount of decay and vandalism, the interior of the house is still beautiful!
Interior Photo Set:
This was an incredible explore! And you can check out the video of it here: