This house was another great reminder of not judging a book by it’s cover! It has been on my list of locations to check out for quite some time but I had it as a low priority. The exterior was severely run down, it looked like it was empty and overall it was pretty small. It did not look like something that I would get excited about.
On this night I was in the area and figured that I might as well check while I was. A point of entry was wide open (without any footprints in the week old snow) so this added to my assumption of the house not being very exciting. My assumption was proven extremely wrong as soon as I stepped inside. There was a vintage Philips radio in the first room of the basement and then the second room was completely full with a massive and fully intact toy train set. From there it just got more and more interesting!
There is very little information available about this house, but I did find a city planning video. Where the development company had its request to develop the land approved. In the approval a city employee stated that this development was long overdue so the property would fit in with the new developments surrounding it.
Thankfully we get to explore it and check out all of the really cool stuff left behind before it is gone forever.
Exterior Photos:
Interior Photos: