Century manor is the last remaining building of the Hamilton Asylum For The Insane and is perfect for this time of year. There is now security on site, so exploring it is nearly impossible (If you want to see inside of the building you can here: /urban-exploration/the-dark-history-of-century-manor/ or check out my video of the building below).

After speaking with the security guard, he gave us permission to do photos around the exterior of the buildings and on the grounds. After all of this I had missed golden hour, so my original plan was out the window. I had planned on using the field of tall grass beside the buildings with the golden hour lighting. Now it was free hand brainstorming and this is photos we came up with!
Photo Set:
For free hand, I was very happy with the shoot! And all of the month of October I will be doing Halloween shoots and I can’t imagine that I wont be returning to century manor for some of them!
Explore video of Century Manor: