While looking at new trails to hike, I came across Rockwood Conservation Area. The photos online looked quite amazing and what has been written about it sounded very interesting!
Towering limestone cliffs, caves and glacial potholes, including one of the world’s largest, are a few of the natural wonders at the Rockwood Conservation Area. You can view them from hiking trails on both sides of the Eramosa River or in a rented canoe. The conservation area has over 65,000 visitors a year from near and far and offers excellent recreational opportunities only a short distance from major metropolitan areas.
Source: https://ontarioconservationareas.ca/component/mtree/conservation-authorities-of-ontario/grand-river/rockwood-conservation-area
When we arrived it looked like a typical conservation area are with campgrounds and of course a fee to get in (personally I do not like to pay to go hiking). We made our way to the trail and the ruins of Rockwood mill (Built in 1867) were right at the start of it.

Being one of the main draws to the conservation area for me, I was disappointed to see it fenced off and access not permitted to the ruins. I thought no big deal I’ll just put the drone up. But no, that is not allowed before I even had it turned on. A security guard came over to tell me that is not allowed either. Being really not impressed we continued on and took in the natural beauty.
And of course I couldn’t go somewhere with my daughter Emily with so much natural beauty and not do some photos of her!
Overall the trail is extremely beautiful! But at the same time disappointing. Half of the trail areas are closed off, making it a very short hike and access to some cool stuff is denied. It was nice to see but I wouldn’t pay for a second trip.