I woke in the morning and started my usual routine, until I looked out the window! I saw trees, buildings and cars cover with snow! It was our first good snowfall of 2020 and I was not going to miss getting photos of it. I quickly got my gear ready and made my way to a building close by. A building that I can access the roof to and snapped a few shots of the city from 25 stories up.

Seeing the trees so beautifully covered in snow, I knew I needed to get into nature! I made my way through downtown snapping shots and deciding where to go.

I thought about going to a waterfall, but knew that many of the photographers in the area would be thinking the same (looking on social media after I got home confirmed that I was correct). So I decided on Cootes Paradise.
During the warmer months, Cootes Paradise flourishes with flora and fauna with wildlife inhabiting the dense marsh. However, during the winter months with snowfall, this area truly becomes a winter wonderland. I was fortunate to capture the start of the snow season at Cootes Paradise and the photographs show how perfectly picturesque snowfall in nature really is.

Cootes Paradise is located in Hamilton City and is managed by the Royal Botanical Gardens. Typically the area is mainly marsh and belongs to the Cootes Paradise Nature Reserve and is also a protected area. Home to an abundance of animal species including birds and reptiles, the area has been protected since 1927. British Army Officer, Thomas Coote stationed in Niagara would hunt and fish in the area. The marsh was named after Coote during the American Revolutionary War during the late 1700s. Today this area is loved by Hamilton locals and wildlife enthusiasts and those like myself that enjoy nature photography.
This photoset provides a beautiful winter landscape with contrasting colors and shades of white and dark brown from the trees. The photographs also show the depth of Lake Ontario. I was very excited to enjoy the beautiful first snow fall of the season in the area and this place was perfect for photography!