This story of the old abandoned farmhouse originated about four years ago on an explore with Carlo not too far from Hamilton, Ont. We set off on our explore not knowing what we would find, until we set foot on this property. Taken completely by surprise, we were confronted almost immediately by a distressed and aggrieved neighbour. At the time, we really didn’t have any rationale for this behaviour as we barely explored the property. This neighbour then rushed to explain that one of the properties (featured in this first photo) was owned by a beloved member of the community who had since tragically passed. By the reaction and emotion on this neighbour’s face, we immediately knew we needed to leave respectfully. It was clear that the deceased’s presence and memory was still very much kept protected and almost secreted in his absence.

Four years later, the memory of that event is still with me and out of respect, I had only explored the surrounding farming property and barn. Both of which were quite incredible. I had never seen a farming property this decayed, yet still quite in tact. The retro farming house felt exhausted and consumed by a hard working farmer. The walls dripping in paint peel and vines invading nearly every window, this house was fatigued after decades of use followed by abandonment. There was still some personal affects left throughout the house such as the old farmers hat (Akubra) and a ripped wrestlers magazine. Reminiscence of perhaps a solitary man, a sedulous farmer, a son; it just adds to the mystery of the energy of the house.

The barn was a highlight of this explore, as the machinery was rusted and worn, yet everything seemed to be almost intact or at least showing how durable it once was. The feeding pens for cattle, horse stables and an overwhelmingly large silo. The green reflections from the vines busting through the barn windows created a rare capture with color and light. The barn had almost everything somewhat in place, providing a glimpse of the operations behind this working farm, a perfect timecapsule. The silo was breathtakingly large. It was almost surreal being able to walk into this silo and capture the considerable depth and height through the rusted machinery.

Also on the property we were lucky to find a Chevy and another vehicle nearby with personal affects inside. It was amazing to see the vines taking over the vehicles, but we could still access the inside. The photographs show how busted the seats are, the retro steering wheel and dusted speedometer. The trees eventually have cracked the windows and there is an eerie sense of it all being left behind the way it was.

This explore started with slight hesitation knowing my previous experience four years ago. As I continued throughout the other properties of the farmhouse, barn and silo, I realised how fortunate I was to take a glimpse of this owner’s life. A farmer that loved wrestling and a hard working man who clearly poured his life and sweat into his investment, livelihood and passion. This property was a privilege to explore and owned by someone that will always remain unknown to me. We left every memory respectfully in tact.
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