At the end of a night of solo exploring, I spotted this house on my way home. I had been watching it for some time, but was unsure of its status. On this night I noticed some very clear indications of abandonment and went in for a closer look. Broken windows, no hydro and a wide open door meant I was in for one last explore for the night!

Built in 1942 this house was lived in by one family until 1993, when the owner passed away in the house. It was then purchased by another family who lived in the home until 2019, the property was bought by a development company for condo development.

In the basement I started to hear loud “thud” noises coming from inside the house. My first thought was other people must be inside with me, but after doing a full walk through of the house more than once, this was not the case. Despite the strange noises I continued on and found many interesting finds!

Weird sounds and weird finds made this an explore to remember! Thankfully I caught some of the sounds on camera!