Taking advantage of a beautiful fall day, Megan and I took at hike to Chedoke Falls. I was being lazy and didn’t want to carry all of my camera gear so I put the small and light 50mm lens on my camera, thinking I might be able to get some decent shots with it.
After taking a few photos of the falls and area I started to think that bringing the 50mm was a mistake.

Then I remembered one of the advantages of using a prime lens! They can force you to try alternate angles, and look at things in a different perspective.
The 50mm lens is good for portraits, so I shifted my focus to Megan. Capturing her as she took photos and also got her to pose barefoot after she had to do some maneuvering to get a shot. Megan does it all lol adventures, modeling and photography! Check out here instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/lesmeux/

When we made it to the Upper Chedoke Falls I saw a woman setting up a painting easel. I thought it was so cool to see an artist using the beauty of the area as a studio! I asked her if I could take a photo and was so happy when she said yes. Disclaimer, I borrowed Megan’s wide angle lens for this shot.

The painters name is Nicole and she has some fantastic work on Instagram, I highly suggest checking it out! https://www.instagram.com/nicolecrimiart/